Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Hip-Hop Machine

This piece was inspired after being invited to the hip-show (see previous post). This piece actually have me some problems, specially around the DJ turn tables. If I added black to the turn tables your eyes would focus in that area, So I decided to just leave it blank. It was a hard choice but it work out in the end. Hopefully. This is also up at my store front for sale. http://society6.com/juanjcruz  

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Live Art!!!

So I will be doing live art with my friend at a Hip-Hop show in LA. I never done live art before, but I think I can manage. Hopefully. So if your into hip-hop drop by and check us work and enjoy the hip-hop show. Oh and I'm going by Crono Cruz. Should that be my new artist name instead?